Thursday, 2 June 2016

10 Fascinating Facts about Space you probably didn't know about

10 Fascinating Facts about Space you probably didn't know about

1. The Sun is so massive that 1 Million Earths can fit inside it!

2. Speaking of how massive the Sun is, 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun.

3. In outer Space there is almost no gravity . This causes the spine to straighten out making
   you about 5 cm taller.

4. Neutron Stars spin at about the rate of 600 rotations per second!

5. Mercury and Venus are the only planet in oir solar system that donot have moons.

6. Venus spins backwards relative to other planets.

7. In outer-space liquids form into spheres due to surface tension .

8. The chances of being killed by space debris are 1 in 5 Billion.

9. There are approximately 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.

10. Buzz Aldrin's mother's name was "Moon"

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