Tuesday, 31 May 2016

How To Capture The Screen In Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista

while spending the time on computer, watching Movie, surfing the web, visiting some website or some kind of interesting video, you like some scene , photo or some screen that you like a lot, and then you want to capture that screen and want to save it on your computer or use it somewhere else, but then after trying you come to know that you cannot save this screen directly by right click of mouse. Whenever there is problem , there must be some solution. here is complete solution for this problem below:

                           If you like some scene from a video then pause the video at the exact scene that you want to capture, and then press " Prnt Scrn" button on your keyboard, now you have captured and copied the whole screen or display of your l.c.d on the clipboard. Here the question raises that how to save it to your computer. It  is much easy.  Open the " Paint " application from start menu then click paste, now here is the image that you captured from screen. you can save it as an image file in any format or you can modify and crop it as the way you want.

Below is the screen that i wanted to capture :

after capturing it by pressing "prnt scrn" key , i opened the paint and the pasted it , then saved it.

after cropping and some editing this image looked below one

 i hope that you understood all the process, and now you wouldn't have any problem saving any image or screen capture. if you still have any question the ask in comments.

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